Catching Fire is the next installment in Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games Trilogy. The story follows Katniss and Peeta after their 'victory' at the 74th Hunger Games. While the whole Capitol loves the starcrossed lovers, President Snow was not too happy about what happened at the end of the Games. Katniss' stunt seems to have ignited a spark of rebellion in some districts. As a result, the Capitol has enforced brutal and violent control over the districts.
This book proved to be even more exciting and heartstopping because of the Quarter Quell. Every 25 years, a Quarter Quell is held where the Capitol puts a twist on how tributes are chosen for the Hunger Games. This year, the tributes from the 12 districts will come from the existing pool of victors. Katniss and Peeta are sent back to the arena once more. But, because their opponents are people who have also triumphed during previous Hunger Games, they will have a much harder time fighting to keep each other alive. Time will tell if they'll be able to figure out who their real enemy is.
Another exciting point in this story is the love triangle. During the Games, Peeta and Katniss portrayed the role of star crossed lovers to help them survive. Katniss could not distinguish between what was real and what was for the audience. Peeta, however, has been in love with Katniss for years. Adding to her confusion is Katniss' rebellious hunting partner from the Seam, Gale. Which of them does she really love?
Love love love this book!
Rating: 5 stars!
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